About Me

Name: Lilac

Age: Late 20s

Location: Northern USA

I like classic lolita and sometimes, sweet lolita. I prefer simple/basic looks and outfit repeat a lot because of it. I started this blog because the current options in social media aren't appealing to me. I like Neocities because it's more customizable and I really feel like I'm shouting into the void here. I also have two cats and they're nosy so don't be surprised if you see them in pictures.

I've always wanted to do the 100Q meme and finally got a chance to do so. It took a long time, but it's fun. I wonder if my answers will change over time.

lacey divider

1. Please tell us your screen name, date of birth, and origin.
You can call me Lilac, but the name of any purple flower is fine. I was born in June in the US.

2. What is your height, weight, clothing size, and shoe size?
I'm 5"1', 110 lbs, and size 6 US. I dislike clothing sizes because here it changes from store to store and prefer to give measurements. My bust is 90cm and my waist is 80cm. The rest isn't really relevant for lolita lol.

3. What made you start doing Lolita fashion?
I don't have vivid memories of what made me discover it. But I was into fashion when I was younger and watched anime. I probably picked up a book on Japanese fashion and found it from there in high school.

4. What is your favorite Lolita genre?
Classic lolita

5. Do you have any particular commitment to that genre, or your own definition of it?
I love that classic lolita is more wearable and uses more simple stylings. You can see it in the other substyles, but I feel like you don't see it as much. I also like sweet lolita, but I prefer simpler stylings like the stock photos like what you see in pre-2010s.

6. Do you have your ears pierced? How many piercings?
I have pierced ears, but just one each. I'd like to have more.

7. What is your favorite brand?
Mary Magdalene & 2010s Innocent World

8. What is your favorite outfit?
It depends on weather, but I like a solid JSK, ivory blouse, cardigan, Meta's raschel lace socks, and brown boots. Ideally, everything would be made of natural fibers.

9. Lolita How many friends do you have?
None yet, hopefully I'll get some.

10. What was the best thing about doing Lolita?
Looking cute!

11. On the contrary, what is the most disgusting thing?
Scalpers, I feel like it's wasteful to upcharge for something you don't even want to wear.

12. What is your favorite magazine?
I like GLBs, but I'm also into gal and love 2010s Ageha and Popteen.

13. Headdress group? Team Bonnet? Team Headbow?
Team Hairbow! I prefer smaller ribbons and corsages.

14. Do you have bloomers?
Yes, I really like them for lounging in.

15. Do you tie your headdress in front? or are you on the team that ties it behind your head?
I prefer to tie it in the back. It feels weird to tie it in front even though I think it looks better.

16. Do you have a favorite music genre or band?
I like R&B & pop. I do like all sorts of music, but I really like those two.

17. What is your mobile phone ringtone?
I don't use ringer.

18 Do you go to lives in Lolita?
I don't go to concerts. I've only been to one in my life and I wore casual girly to go see it.

19. For those who go to lives, do you headbang?
I dance lol.

20. What color do you like?
I like any shade of purple, but I really like lavender. I found that I also like bordeaux in lolita.

21. What are your hobbies?
Anime, video games. I'm trying to get more crafty but it hasn't gone well lol.

22. Please tell me if you have a favorite perfume.
I don't have one, but I like floral/sweet scents.

23. Is there anything you say “I’m careful about this” when it comes to lolita?
I always match my blouse to my socks. It feels weird to wear an ivory blouse with not-ivory socks lol.

24. Where are the places you visit / hang out at frequently?
I'm a homebody, so I'm always at home.

25. How many times a week do you wear Lolita?
 Not too often, i'm thinking of keeping my wardrobe on the smaller side because of this. At least 4 times a month

26. Please tell us the most embarrassing episode you had when you were a beginner in Lolita fashion.
Too embarassing to tell, sorry

27. What is your hairstyle and color now?
Tapered cut on dark brown 4c hair. It's not the most lolita haircut, but I'm really trying to wear my natural hair out more and let it grow.

28. How long have you been in Lolita?
Since 2021. I've known about it since 2015, but didn't get the ability to try until much later.

29. Do you have a dedicated lolita storage space?
No, I just have half the closet and a separate small drawer of socks & other bits from dresses.

30. Have you ever thought about leaving Lolita? If so, why?
Sometimes, I think what's the point? The current state of the fashion isn't to my taste and classic lolita is really hard to get. And I don't feel that my hair is lolita appropriate, but I've always wanted to wear lolita and I'll keep going. I think I'll end up with a much smaller closet and maybe more money lol

31. What is your motto?
I don't have one. I try to remember that time passes regardless of what you're doing.

32. What are your dreams for the future?
Honestly, a better job, paid off student loans and a house. But between the ongoing COVID crisis, an ongoing H5N1 affecting eggs and jumping to humans, genocide in Palestine, and climate crisis, I don't think life will get better.

33. “This person would definitely look good on Lolita!” Are there any celebrities you think that about?
I think Megan the Stallion & SZA would look really cute. I would like to see Mikan from Vina of the Valley too.

34. Please tell us the item with the most memories and those memories.
My bf bought me jewelry and I wear it everyday.

35. What was the first item you got?
Very embarrassing, but I got a a bad quality Taobao lolita dress from a Taobao reseller on Lacemarket before knowing which Chinese brands were good or saving up for a cheap brand piece. It has that costume quality satin and the design of high waist + basic construction is pretty typical for these. It's not flattering on me at all and looks too small (tbh, high waist is not flattering on me).

36. Do you have a signature pose for taking a picture?
Yes, I hold my skirt and try to do a pose similar to plie with my feet. Not sure if it looks good lol.

37. What is the “Bible” of your heart? (Like what Books, magazines, CDs, etc. represent your inner self)
It's hard for me to pick favorites but it's a combination of things. The Parfait Doll blog by Victoria Suzanne, 2010s Ageha/Popteen gyaru mags. I love gal, but I don't think I could pull off the trendiness of the style. I'm obssesed with the makeup and do want to incorporate the eye makeup into my own.

38. How many centimeters tall is the highest heel you have?
I think I have 4 inch heels. I used to be able to wear higher but COVID lockdowns put a stop to that.

39. Have you ever worn a tiara?
Not since I was a kid. I'd love to do a hime lolita look just once.

40. Do you want to be a prince once in a while? What kind of prince? Dark system? Hakubakei?
Yes, but I'm not sure if i'd make a good one.

41. What kind of lace do you like?
I love eyelet lace & crochet lace. Hard to choose one.

42. Do you own a (ball jointed) doll? Those who have them are usually so enthusiastic about them!
No, but maybe in the future.

43. What’s inside your lolita bag right now?
I always have my wallet, keys, lotion, lip balm, handmade handkerchief, Lactaid, battery pack + charger cable. I forgot a compact powder foundation and oil blotting sheets.

44. What is your favorite flower?
I like a lot of flowers and it changes, but right now I like lavender.

45. What is your favorite accessory right now?
I have a Luxmira rose necklace that I wear with more coords than I should...

46. Please tell us your favorite / recommended cosmetics.
I love the Sonia Kashuk brushes and sponges. I also really like the Mochi Toner. No makeup recommendations because I'm not good at it and I've had my powdered stuff too long.

47. Bright eyes are the hallmark of being a doll! So do you use false eyelashes? If you have any tips on how to use them, please let me know.
I've been so bad at them that I completely gave up. I do want to get back into it since I love gyaru makeup.

48. What is your particular eye makeup style?
Hmmm, I take inspo from a lot of things like 2010s gyaru and GLBs but I think my makeup is more on the natural side. A lot more blush than I should and sparkly inner eyeshadow.

49. Is your lipstick red? Blue? black? pink?
I hate the way lipstick looks on me, but I love berry colored lip gloss.

50. What color do you often use for nail polish?
This is so bad, but I don’t do my nails at all. I want to, but the thought of the cost of the upkeep.

51. Have you ever changed your clothes in the toilet at the train station?
Not yet lol

52. Have you ever had twin loli or triplet loli? impression?
No, but I'd love to one day.

53. What are you doing to keep in shape? Recommendations?
Nothing other than making sure I actually eat these days. I know this question is about dieting but I don't care about getting fat or not. I just want to make sure that I'm getting enough nutrients.

54. Are you calm when alone in lolita? (ヒトリでロリータ、平気?)
I'm a very anxious person in general, but being out by myself is much less attention-grabbing compared to being with a group of lolitas. So, I usually prefer to be by myself.

55. How much do you spend on lolita each month?
I've spent way too much the last year, but it's been my second highest expense after rent. I think it'll be less going forward because I have a pretty good selection of basic main pieces, shoes, bags, and accessories. It'll be once in awhile purchases of new dresses/skirts and accessories that fit my wardrobe going forward.

56. Did you have any time lag between learning about Lolita fashion and actually doing it or resistance to starting?
Yes, about a 10 year gap. I actually could have started it in college, but I wasn't willing to part with USD 100 for a dress that I was too scared to wear outside. I think I saw it in a book about Japanese fashion or something.

57. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? (In relation to Lolita)
It'd be VM's Classical Doll OP in Plus Size.

58. Lolita really costs money, doesn’t it? How do you pay for Lolita?
I work.

59. Just here. How much is the total cost you have spent so far?
Embarrassing to admit and I don't even want to do an exact breakdown, but I think about $3k to $4k so far. Hopefully, less than $1k a year in the future.

60. Is there a store you would like to see nearby?
Mary Magdalene, but they don't have a store.

61. Just between us, is there a store that makes you say: ‘that’s a rip-off!’?
People that resell from brands that already ship internationally or buy off mercari and mark the price up by 200%.

62. Have you ever used an online shop? If you have, please give us some advice on the good points and bad points. If you haven’t, tell us why not.
I buy almost all my lolita online. It’s great that you can buy from anywhere in the world, but the shipping fees are painful. One day, I'll buy in person.

63. Just between us, even if you want to keep it your own secret, what’s an indie brand that makes you go “this is exactly my style”.
Hmm, I think it'd be Pina Sweet Collection. I like the sweet-classic vibe and they have shorter skirts compared to what brands are putting out currently. They also use pastels a lot.

64. Absolutely out of reach! But I want it! Do you have any brands or products like that for you?
Right now, a lot of MM's items are out of reach because sizing, and the scarcity means the prices are pretty high lol.

65. What do you do with your tired old clothes?
I sell them. I'm actually doing a clean out of the items I bought as a beginner lolita. I've found my style & quality expectations and none of these are in it.

66. What was the most recent lolita and non lolita item of clothing you bought?
I just bought one of VM's bordeaux corsages. My most recent non-lolita purchase, I thrifted some boleros for work and lolita, which is cheating lol. But I don't purchase much aside from lolita nowadays.

67. What is something you missed out on that you’ll never see again, but you can’t forget?
I had the chance to get a lottery ticket for MM's recent release of Marine Rose. Even if it didn't fit, I could have altered it or resold it.

68. What do you think of dressing as a Lolita only during live performances?
Nothing wrong with it, some people aren't able to wear it everyday.

69. What do you think of No-Makeup-Lolita?
Nothing wrong with it and it's fine for simpler/casual records. I don't think OTT looks good with no makeup tho.

70 You suddenly meet another person totally wearing Lolita! What do you do?
Tell them I love their coord.

71. How old is a Lolita allowed to be?
As old as you're able to comfortably wear lolita. Life's too short to be worried about being the right age for it.

72. Under what conditions do you think Lolita should graduate? (You can answer ‘continue forever’)
If you find yourself putting lolita in storage or in the back of your closet and can't see yourself wearing it anymore, I think it's time to let go of it.

73. Stop this! Are there any things no one should do in Lolita fashion?
Hmm, not every situation means you should wear lolita but I think jury duty is a little inappropriate.

74. Do you have a specific sense of what a perfect Lolita should be?
Ideally, the perfect lolita understands the guidelines and understands when they can be broken. I understand it gets tiring to give a full paragraph on when to wear a petticoat, but I think it makes more sense to tell them instead of saying always wear a petticoat. It'll prevent "a petticoat always" or "you must always wear a blouse" lolitas from becoming more annoying.

75. Other than what you said 73, what is something you wish people wouldn’t do?
I wish people weren't so judgmental. It's odd that you watch people that closely.

76. What do you think about Lolita fashion for men?
I can't tell if this means ouji or lolita, but either way don't care.

77. Have you changed in any way since you started Lolita?
I've started to care even more about quality so things that are just cheap won't cut it. I avoid pleather things.

78. What do the people around you say about you wearing Lolita? Do you accept it?
People say I look cute, that's it.

79. What kind of lolita fashion do you do in the hot summer months?
I don't wear it, but I'm trying to get cutsews and more skirts to wear it in the summer.

80. Do you go to school or work in Lolita?
No, I work in a conservative industry and wouldn't even think about it. They think I'm weird already for wearing formal dresses everyday.

81. What is your usual outfit style?
I wear sheath dresses for work and jeans/sweats/hoodies when I'm at home. I'm very boring. I dress up more in winter in cuter outfits like dresses.

82. Do you have any objections to second-hand goods?
Not really, but I'd prefer to not buy secondhand socks or secondhand pleather purses/shoes. They're always destroyed lol.

83. Do you have a boyfriend (or husband)? Does he understand?
I have a bf and he thinks I look cute in it. He really encourages me to wear it.

84. Please tell us your ideal male image.
Nice and caring and preferably under 5'7".

85. What kind of person is the Lolita who left the biggest impression on you?
I'm not sure if she would still consider herself a lolita, but Amanikitty/AmaniNYC. I was into lolita and gyaru when I was younger and seeing a black lolita/gyaru was rarer. I was obsessed with her style and she really gave me the push for lolita. One day, I'll also get into gyaru.

86. Have you ever made your own clothes? What kind of clothes is it?
Not yet, but soon hopefully.

87. Have you ever made an accessory yourself? What did you make?
I tried to make a floral corsage, which didn't turn out well. But I won't give up!

88. This thing I made was a great success! Is there anything you feel that way about?
This blog actually. It's not the best, but it's functional surprisingly.

89. Tell us if you have an ideal Lolita outfit or coordination.
My ideal Lolita outfit is a bordeaux JSK with an ivory high neck blouse and ivory Meta raschel lace UTKs (on my height, it peeks out from underneath the dress in a way that makes me think of peeking bloomers). I'd also have IW's Millefeuille bolero in black or bordeaux. Black or Bordeaux heels with a black or bordeaux purse with a bordeaux VM corsage or a MM rosette. I really like bordeaux.

90. Is there anyone you admire? What kind of person are they?
I admire my friends a lot. They're not in lolita but they've very adventurous and I aim to be like that too.

91. You can date any person for just one day. The other person will also dress however you want. Who is it and what kind of date?
I'd want to go on a date with my bf, but with him dressed in sporty casual. I want to go out to have afternoon tea and then take a walk on the beach.

92. What kind of store would you like to have if you were to open one in the future?
A tea shop/cafe. I feel like where I live is sorely lacking in really good cafes. It's annoying to have to travel an hour to a good one.

93. When looking at lolita, your eyes will go straight to this motif. What is it?
Florals. I've always loved them even in normie fashion and it's a problem. I'll buy floral things but with nothing to match them like when I bought a floral blouse and a floral skirt...

94. Do you want your child to be a Lolita too?
Idk, I'm not planning on having any and I want my kids to choose how their dressed.

95. How much can I spend on one loli outfit?
I'm willing to spend up to 1k, which is way too much but MM is hard to come by these days.

96. This is quintessentially Lolita! Is there a certain gesture that makes you think this.
Tea parties, I know they're not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoy that it's part of the subculture.

97. I want to wear that once in my life! Do you ever think that about any style other than lolita?
Yes, I think about historical costuming a lot.

98. Looking at your Lolita collection or style, what one word would you use to sum it up?

99. What is your ideal Lolita image?
A perfectly balanced classic lolita coord with quality accessories and afro hair.

100. Thank you very much! Please give us your impression of answering 100!
This was a lot more effort than I thought it would be lol. It took several days but it was fun.

