On Perfume Prints

lacey divider

I've seen several other bloggers do this with other themes and i"m inspired to do this one after seeing raine-dragon's Bibliotheca post for florals. I wanted to do one for perfumes because Meta has just released a new perfume print, Secret Perfume Lab. This new release has a JSK, OTKs, and a headbow in the colors green, black, and antique white. The straight size release goes up to 119cm in bust and 105cm in waist. The plus size version goes up to 140cm in bust and 125cm in waist. This print reminds me of one of my dream dresses, AP's Glass Bottle of Tears due to the stripes and glass bottles at the bottom of the print.

I adore perfume prints. I find them very cute and they're very classic-leaning sometimes. I love the Antique colorway of this dress and I also love the Black colorway because of the purple accents, but I thin that makes it look very "Halloween-y".

I've admired lolita fashion for a very long time, but one of the dresses that got me into classic lolita was Mary Magdalene's Perfume Bottle JSK. I loved how simple the print is on this dress; it makes the dress look very elegant.

I love Innocent World. I think the brand blended sweet and classic together in a cute way. They went with an even more simplistic print of perfumes. I think it complements the materials of the dress really well.

Meta prints tend to be very busy, which makes it lean a bit more sweet in my opinion. The overall style used in it reminds me of IW's Perfume bottle, but with more color in it.

I included close-ups up the print in my favorite colorway, Antique White.

My main motivations for getting this dress is that I've always wanted MM's Perfume Dress. It's really hard to find classic dresses secondhand, even if I were to find ones that fit me. They retain their value very well since the classic lolita brands don't release too much. I'm still looking for a classic Taobao lolita brand that I like. I'm having a hard time searching Taobao since my account was locked. I think Miss Point is cute but it's not really what I'm looking for. In a PinkFakeFlowers video, they said that dresses usually circulate among the community. I have a feeling it's mostly because classic lolita doesn't look too out of place. A lot of dresses will make you look overdressed. That's honestly part of what attracted me to classic lolita in the first place. It has a lost of florals and is very easy to wear outside of lolita. I also have a feeling classic lolitas exit to historical costuming and classic lolita, especially VM and MM dresses, can be repurposed for it somewhat. I joined the classic lolita discord so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get first dibs on dresses if possible.

I was planning to get this dress, but Victorian Maiden just announced their annual release of their Rococco Bouquet dress. For the longest while, the classic lolita brands were quite restrictive in terms of sizing, but now this release is within my size range. I won't even have to squeeze into it since the bust part is almost 15 cm more than my bust size. I'm so excited to pair this with my Calmato blouse from AtePie. I need to get appropriate shoes for a more classic vibe to my coords; maybe a dark brown Victorian boot and a dark brown bag. I really want the blue colorway but I have a feeling that yellow is all that's going to be left, which I'll still wear I think. If I can't get it at all, then that's when I'll get the Meta's Secret Perfume Lab in Antique White. If that doesn't work out, there is a Meta skirt on Mercari in a floral print like the VM one that I'll get instead. Just contingency after contingency.
